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Volume 118, Issue 104A
Page 8
Royal Gazette

12 November 2544

Apart from the Academic Committees under paragraph 1, the President of the Royal Institute has the power to establish other committees for the carrying out of any activity which is under the powers and duties of the Council of the Royal Institute.

The Members of the Academic Committees under paragraph 1 and the members of other committees under paragraph 2 shall be paid the remuneration designated by the Cabinet.

Section35.There shall be a Committee for Promoting the Activities of the Royal Institute, consisting of—

(1)the Vice President of the Royal Institute authorised by the President of the Royal Institute, as President of the Committee, and one another Vice President of the Royal Institute, as Vice President of the Committee;

(2)the presidents and secretaries of all academies, as Members of the Committee;

(3)the fellows other than the presidents or secretaries of academies, appointed by their academies as Members of the Committee, one per each academy;

(4)the Secretary General of the Royal Institute, as Member and Secretary of the Committee, and the Deputy Secretaries General of the Royal Institute, as Members and Assistant Secretaries of the Committee.

The Committee for Promoting the Activities of the Royal Institute has the duty to provide advice and recommendations to the Royal Institute, as well as to coordinate on and support the activities of the Royal Institute. The recommendations shall be made through the President of the Royal Institute.

Appointment and terms of the Members under (3), as well as the operation and meetings of the Committee under paragraph 1, shall be in accordance with the regulations of the Council of the Royal Institute.

Section36.There shall be a Secretary General of the Royal Institute to command the public officials of, and be responsible for the performance of public services by, the Royal Institute, and to perform duties according to the policies, rules, regulations, and resolutions of the Council of the Royal Institute. There may also be Deputy Secretaries General of the Royal Institute for the performance of public services.

The Secretary General and Deputy Secretaries General of the Royal Institute shall be ordinary civil officials.

The holder of the office of Secretary General of the Royal Institute shall be appointed from amongst the ordinary civil officials who have knowledge and expertise in any discipline of knowledge subject to the duties of the Royal Institute, and in public administration. This shall be processed in accordance with the law on regulation of civil officials.

Section37.The associate fellows, fellows, and honorary fellows incumbent on the day of publication of this Act in the Royal Gazette shall become associate fellows, fellows, or honorary fellows under this Act, as the case may be.