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Volume 113, Number 60A
Page 10
Royal Gazette

14 November 2539

Section33.For the purpose of providing convenience to the people and for the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of the work of the State, the Cabinet shall lay down rules designating criteria and procedure governing the fixation by authorities of time limits for administrative proceedings as appropriate for each case, in so far as this is not contrary or repugnant to the laws or regulations thereon.

In the case that any work requires to be considered by more than one authority, the authorities concerned have the duty to coordinate with each other in fixing time limits for the carrying out thereof.

Section34.An administrative order may be made in written or oral form or in other form of meaning expression, but it must contain texts or meanings which are clear enough to understand.

Section35.In the case that an administrative order is made orally, if the recipient of such order makes a request on appropriate grounds within seven days from the day of making the order, the authority issuing the order must confirm the order in writing.

Section36.An administrative order made writing must at least contain the day, month, and year of its making, the name and position of the authority making it, as well as the signature of the authority making it.

Section37.An administrative order made writing and a written confirmation of an administrative order must also be furnished with a statement of reasons and such statement of reasons must at least consist of—

(1)the material facts;

(2)the cited laws;

(3)the issues considered in and the issues supporting the exercise of discretion.

The Prime Minister or person authorised by the Prime Minister may publish in the Royal Gazette a requirement that certain types of administrative orders be furnished with a statement of reasons, which may be included in those orders themselves or annexed to them.

The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not apply to the following cases:

(1)the effects resulted are as applied for and do not affect the rights and duties of other persons;

(2)the reasons are generally known and need not to be specified anymore;

(3)secrecy has to be observed in accordance with section 32;

(4)the administrative order is issued orally or urgent need is present, but a statement of reasons must be given in writing within a reasonable time when it is requested by the person subjected to the order;