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Volume 113, Number 60A
Page 12
Royal Gazette

14 November 2539

When paragraph 1(1), (2), (3), or (4) has been observed and the authority making the administrative order intends to retain the effects of the original order, he shall note the facts and his intention down in the original order or annex the note thereto and must also notify the participants of such intention in writing.

As regards (2), (3), and (4), they must be observed before the conclusion of the appellate proceedings according to Part 5 of this Chapter or the specific law thereon, or if no appeal is required, before the administrative order is brought into the consideration of the person having the power to consider and rule upon its correctness.

Section42.An administrative order shall become effective against a person from the time he is notified thereof.

An administrative order shall remain effective for as long as it is not revoked or does not conclude for reasons of time or for other reasons.

When an administrative order concludes, the authority shall have the power to summon the possessor of any document or other object created in connection with the making of the said administrative order and bearing a text or symbol showing the existence of such administrative order to return it or, when it is subject to his ownership, bring it before the authority to further be marked with a symbol showing its conclusion.

Section43.An administrative order containing insignificant errors or mistakes may be amended by an authority at any time.

When an administrative order is amended in accordance with paragraph 1, the relevant persons must be notified as appropriate for the case. In this event, the authority may demand a relevant person to send the administrative order or any document or other object created in connection with the making of the said administrative order for the amendment.

Section44.Subject to section 48, in the case that any administrative order is not issued by a Minister and there is no law designating a specific appellate process within the administrative sector, a participant may lodge an appeal against the administrative order by filing his appeal with the authority making the administrative order within fifteen days from the day he is notified of the said order.

The appeal must be made in writing and specify the points of the protest and the facts or laws cited also.