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Volume 113, Number 60A
Page 17
Royal Gazette

14 November 2539

An application can be made in accordance with paragraph 1(1), (2), or (3) only when the participant was not aware of such cause during the previous proceedings without fault on his part.

An application for resumption of proceedings must be made within ninety days from the time the person in question becomes aware of the cause which may ground the application.

Section55.Administrative execution shall not be applied by one authority to another, save where the law otherwise designates.

Section56.The authority making an administrative order has the power to consider and apply measures for administrative execution according to the provisions of this Part so as to implement his order, save where a stay of the execution has been ordered by such authority himself, by the person having the power to consider appeals, or by the person having the power to consider and rule upon the correctness of such administrative order.

The authority under paragraph 1 may authorise a subordinate authority or other authority to do so according to the criteria and procedure designated by ministerial regulations.

The authority under paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 shall apply the measures for administrative execution only to the extent necessary for the administrative order to achieve its objectives, so that the person subjected to the administrative order would be affected as least as possible.

Section57.As regards an administrative order that requires any person to make a monetary payment, if the payment has not been made correctly and completely despite having been due, the authority shall warn such person in writing in order that he would make the payment within a period of time designated, which must not be less than seven days. If the warning has not been complied with, the authority may apply a measure for administrative execution by seizing or attaching his property and selling it at public auction to completely satisfy the payment.

The procedure for the seizure, attachment, and sale of property shall follow the Civil Procedure Code mutatis mutandis, whilst the person having the power to order the seizure, or attachment, or sale shall be designated by a ministerial regulation.

Section58.As regards an administrative order that requires an act to be done or omitted, if the person subjected to the administrative order violates or fails to comply with the order, the authority may apply any of the following measures for administrative execution: