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Dated 21 December 2468
Royal Gazette
Volume 42, Page 237

Section350.If any limited company neglects to observe any of the provisions of the Civil and Commercial Code's section 1116, which deals with the distribution of copies of the memorandum and articles of association, section 1199, paragraph 1, which deals with the distribution of copies of balance accounts, section 1139, which deals with accounts and annual shareholder lists, or section 1149, which deals with the showing of the amount of the capital of the company in documents of the company, Lord says that the company be held guilty and be punished with a fine of not over fifty baht.

Section351.If any limited company buys its own shares or accepts the pledge of a share in a manner contravening the provisions of the Civil and Commercial Code's section 1143, or neglects to observe the provisions of section 1125, which deals with the shares that should be forfeited, Lord says that the company be held guilty and be punished with a fine of not over ten baht per each share which has been bought, kept, or sold in such an improper manner.

Section352.If any limited company operates its business without correctly observing the purposes of the Civil and Commercial Code's section 1148, which deals with its registered office, Lord says that the company be held guilty and be punished with a day fine of not over twenty baht every day throughout the time it still operates its business in such a manner.