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Volume 49, Page 324
Royal Gazette
Dated 31 August 2475

Therefore, by and with the advice and consent of the House of Representatives, He orders with His gracious pleasure that enacted shall be an Act containing the following sections:

Section1.This Act shall be called the "Act Amending the Penal Code, 2475 Buddhist Era".

Section2.This Act shall come into force from the day of its publication in the Royal Gazette onwards.

Section3.The provisions of section 185 of the Penal Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following stipulations:

"Section185.Should any person set fire to movable property which belongs to another person, Lord says that he be held guilty and be punished with imprisonment from six months up to seven years and an additional fine from fifty thousand baht up to a thousand baht."

Section4.The provisions of section 186 of the Penal Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following stipulations:

"Section186.Should any person set fire to any of the following property, namely—

(1)a dwelling where a human resides;