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Volume 122, Number 78A
Page 13
Royal Gazette

6 September 2548

Announcement of the Office of the Prime Minister
Regarding the approbation of the Emergency Decree on Public Administration in State of Emergency, 2548 BE

After the Council of Ministers requested the National Assembly to consider and approbate the Emergency Decree on Public Administration in State of Emergency, 2548 BE; the 22nd House of Representatives resolved to approbate the said emergency decree at its 1st meeting of Year 1 (general legislative session) on Wednesday, 24 August 2548; and the Senate resolved to approbate the said emergency decree at its 2nd meeting (general legislative session) on Monday, 29 August 2548.

This announcement is therefore made in accordance with the stipulations of section 218 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand.

Announced on the 30th day of August 2548 BE
Police Lieutenant Colonel Thaksin Shinawatra
Prime Minister