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Issue 7, Volume 65
Royal Gazette

3 February 2491

Type4Those who have such qualifications as said in Type 1 and have graduated with bachelor's degree or equivalents.

Candidates can only apply for candidacies in one type, and those who have the right to apply for candidacies in Type 2, Type 3, or Type 4 shall not apply for candidacies in Type 1.

Section95quater.The procedure for applying for candidacies and the procedure for electing the Members of the Constitution Drafting Assembly shall be in accordance with the regulations established by the National Assembly.

The membership of a Member of the Constitution Drafting Assembly terminates upon death or resignation only, and no election of a replacing Member shall be held.

Section95quinquies.The Constitution Drafting Assembly shall have the duty to draft a permanent constitution and finish it within one hundred and eighty days counted from the day the election of Members of the Constitution Drafting Assembly is completed.

Upon having finished drafting a constitution in accordance with the stipulations of the previous paragraph, the Constitution Drafting Assembly shall send such draft to the National Assembly without delay, and once the National Assembly has passed a resolution in accordance with the stipulations of