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Number 15, Volume 69
Special Edition, Page 11
Royal Gazette

8 March 2495

(1)section 13 to section 15 shall be repealed;

(2)the figure of section 12 shall be modified to be 24;

(3)the following sections shall be inserted as section 25 to section 37, respectively:

"Section25.Persons do have full freedom to profess a religion, religious sect, or religious ideology,[1] and do have freedom to perform rituals according to their own believes, when these are not adverse to the duties of the citizens and are not contrary to peace and order or good morals of people.

In exercising such freedoms as said in the previous paragraph, persons are protected from the execution by the State of any act which derogates their rights or impairs the benefits which they should have or should acquire, as a result of [the fact that] the religion, religious sect, or religious ideology they profess or the rituals they perform according to their believes are different from [those of] other persons."

"Section26.Persons do have full freedom of property, speech, writing, printing, publication, education,
  1. See also the note about the term latthiniyom, here translated as "ideology".