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Number 15, Volume 69
Special Edition, Page 20
Royal Gazette

8 March 2495

The release order according to the stipulations of the previous paragraph shall take effect as from the day of the release until the last day of the session."

"Section67.No act shall be enacted as a law with retroactive effect to criminally punish a person or to impose upon a person a heavier punishment than the punishment designated by the law in application at the time of committing the offence."

"Section69.State money shall only be spent upon that which has been permitted by the law on budget, except in an event of urgent necessity, [in which the money] may be spent first, but this must be in accordance with the criteria and procedure provided by the law. In such an event, approbation of the House of People's Representatives must be sought at the earliest opportunity possible.

The expression of the approbation by the House shall be made in the form of a specific act or included in an act on transfer of budget money, or act on additional budget, or act on the budget of the next year."

"Section70.In a special event where it is appropriate to have schemes in continuation to each other in the matters of the public services of the State relating to public utility and