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Number 15, Volume 69
Special Edition, Page 23
Royal Gazette

8 March 2495

the Prime Minister receives the information. However, the Council of Ministers does have the right to apply for stopping[1] such general debate when it finds that it deals with the matters which should not yet be disclosed as they relate to the safety or important benefit of the State.

At the general debate opened in accordance with this section, the House shall pass no resolution upon the problems debated."

"Section76.Members of the House of People's Representatives not less than one third of the total number of the Members have right to subscribe and introduce a motion for opening a general debate in order to pass a resolution of no confidence upon the Ministers individually or collectively.

When the general debate in the House has terminated not because of a resolution to pass over the agenda of the debate so opened, the House of People's Representatives shall pass a resolution of confidence or no confidence. However, the resolution in this event shall not be passed on the same day as the day of termination of the debate."

Section6.The stipulations of chapter 4 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, 2475 Buddhist Era Version, shall be amended in the following manners:

  1. Ra-ngap (Thai: ระงับ), here translated as "to stop", is defined by the Royal Society of Thailand (2013) as "to repress, to pacify".