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Issue 15, Volume 69
Special Edition, Page 26
Royal Gazette

8 March 2495

Apart from this, a ministership terminates individually upon—



(3)lack of a qualification or attack by a disqualification for an electoral candidate as provided in the law on elections of Members of the House of People's Representatives;

(4)a resolution of no confidence passed by the House of People's Representatives."

"Section88.In case of emergency in which it is urgently necessary to maintain the public safety or avert a public disaster and it is unable to convene the House of People's Representatives in good time, or when such an event occurs during dissolution of the House, the Monarch may enact an emergency decree to be applied as an act.

At the next meeting of the House, the emergency decree shall be introduced to the House without delay. If approbated by the House, the emergency decree shall continue to be an act. If reprobated by the House, the emergency decree shall lapse; however, this does not affect the affairs which took place during the application of such emergency decree.