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Number 15, Volume 69
Special Edition, Page 4
Royal Gazette

8 March 2495

an Amendment to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, 2475 Buddhist Era, 2495 Buddhist Era. And, having reviewed it with care and thoroughness, He found it appropriate to express His great royal approval.

Therefore, He gives a great royal command by which He declares to all an order that the Amendment to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, 2475 Buddhist Era, 2495 Buddhist Era, be enacted, announced, and conferred upon His populace from the date of its publication in the Royal Gazette onwards.

May this Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand be a pillar preventing catastrophes and calamities which are drawing nigh to the Nation, the religions, and the people. May all the Thais be of one mind and united in preserving and observing the Constitution unanimously, in order to enhance the permanent peace, happiness, and well-being of His citizenry. May the members of the royalty, either senior or junior, the public servants, both civil and military, as well as the people under His authority, uphold unity, in order that the regime of democracy should stay well and beside the State of Thailand, the Royal Land, till the end of the epoch, in accordance with His great royal wish. May all of this be true!