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Number 15, Volume 69
Special Edition, Page 9
Royal Gazette

8 March 2495

"Section20.Before assuming duties, the Regent appointed in accordance with the stipulations of section 17 or section 18 must affirm at a meeting of the House of People's Representatives in the following formula: I will be faithful, honest, and loyal to the Monarch and will perform my duties for the benefit of the Country and the people, and will also preserve and observe the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand in every respect."

"Section21.Succession to the throne shall be in accordance with the gist[1] of the Palace Law on Succession, 2467 Buddhist Era, together with the approval of the House of People's Representatives.

No repeal or amendment shall be made to the Palace Law on Succession, 2467 Buddhist Era."

"Section22.The Monarch attains majority upon completing His full eighteen years of age."

"Section23.In the event that the royal throne becomes vacant, the Privy Council shall nominate a successor to the throne in accordance with the Palace Law on Succession, 2467 Buddhist Era, to the House

  1. See also the note about the term nai, here translated as "gist".