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Volume 128, Number 13A
Page 2
Royal Gazette

4 March 2554

The criteria and procedure for elections of Members of the House of Representatives shall be in accordance with the Organic Act on Election of Members of the House of Representatives and Procurement of Senators.

In the case that a position of Member of the House of Representatives has become vacant for any reason and no Member of the House of Representatives has yet been elected to fill the vacant position, the House of Representatives shall only be composed of the existing Members of the House of Representatives.

Subject to section 109(2), in the case that there occurs any cause by which the number of the Members elected on a party-list basis is reduced from one hundred and twenty-five during the term of the House of Representatives, the Members elected on a party-list basis shall only be composed of those existing.

In the case that there occurs any incident which renders the number of the Members of the House of Representatives from any general election to be less than five hundred but their number is still over ninety-five per cent of the total number of the Members of the House of Representatives, that number of Members shall be deemed constituting the House of Representatives, but proceedings shall be executed to have the Members of the House of Representatives in the full number as provided in this Constitution within one hundred and eighty days and [the additional Members] shall be in their positions only for the remaining term of the House of Representatives.

Section94.In electing Members of the House of Representatives on a constituency basis, the persons having the right to vote shall only be able to vote for one candidate per each constituency.

In calculating the standard number of people per one Member, the calculation shall be based upon the number of the people throughout the Country as evidenced in the civil register announced in the last year before the year of the election, balanced with the number of three hundred and seventy-five Members of the House of Representatives.

In calculating the number of the Members of the House of Representatives that each province should have, the number of people per one Member as calculated in accordance with paragraph 2 shall be balanced with the number of the people of such province. Any province of which the people are below the standard number of people per one Member according to paragraph 2 shall be able to have one Member of the House of Representatives. Any province of which the people are above the standard number of people per one Member shall be able to have one additional Member of the House of Representatives per every number of people which reaches the standard number of people per one Member.

After the number of the Members of the House of Representatives for each province has been obtained in accordance with paragraph 3, if the number of the Members of the House of Representatives is still less than three hundred and seventy-five, the province with the highest residue left from the calculation under paragraph 3 shall have one additional Member of the House of Representatives, and Members of the House of Representatives shall be increased in accordance with the said procedure for the respective provinces with the next highest residues left from the calculation under paragraph 3 until the number of three hundred and seventy-five is completed.