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Issue 17, Volume 66
Special Edition, Page 17
Royal Gazette

23 March 2492

that the petition is well grounded, the court has the power to order the detaining person to bring the detained person before the court instantly, and if the detaining person fails to satisfy the court with the lawfulness of the detention, the court shall order the detained person to be released immediately.

Section32.Forced labour shall be exacted only by virtue of a power under a provision of law [and] only for the purpose of averting a public disaster which occurs urgently, or by virtue of a power under a provision of law which provides that it can be done during the time the Country is in a state of fighting or war, or during the time a state of emergency is announced by a royal command, or during the time the martial law is promulgated.

Section33.Persons do have full freedom of abode.

Persons do receive protection in relation to peaceful habitation and possession of their abodes. Entry into an abode without the consent of its possessor or search