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Number 17, Volume 66
Special Edition, Page 22
Royal Gazette

23 March 2492

Letters, telegrams, telephone [conversations], or any other communications exchanged by persons between each other shall be checked, quarantined, or disclosed only by virtue of a power under a provision of law.

Persons do have equal right to use communications provided as services for the public.

Section41.Persons do have full freedom to choose their places of residence within the Kingdom and to pursue occupation.

Such freedom shall be restricted only by virtue of a provision of law [and] only for the safety of the Country, economy of the Nation, or welfare of the people, or for the maintenance of relations in a family.

No person of the Thai nationality shall be deported out of the Kingdom.

Section42.A single person or several persons jointly do have the right to petition, subject to the conditions and procedure provided by the law.