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Issue 17, Volume 66
Special Edition, Page 3
Royal Gazette

23 March 2492

dom of Thailand for use in lieu of the former constitution. Later in the present reign, it became necessary to cease using the said constitution, for which reason [His Majesty] ordered with His gracious pleasure on the 9th day of November 2490 Buddhist Era[1] that a Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim) be promulgated for the time being, till a [new] constitution is promulgated for future and permanent use.

And in order to conform to the norms of the parasamai[2] faction, He ordered with His gracious pleasure the enactment of an Amendment to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim), by which a Constitution Drafting Assembly was established for the first time in the history of the Thais. It was composed of forty Members elected by the National Assembly, ten from amongst the Senators, ten from amongst the Members of the House of Representatives, and [the rest] from amongst four types of persons of different qualifications, five per each type. Then, on the 12th day of July 2491 Buddhist Era,[3] He opened the Constitution Drafting Assembly with His gracious pleasure, and the Constitution Drafting Assembly thereupon considered and discussed [together about] setting out major principles which should be compiled in

  1. 1947 Common Era.
  2. Parasamai (Thai: ปรสมัย) is a compound consisting of para ("other, another, different") and samai ("time, age"). What it is actually referring to is not known. The term is not found used anywhere else.
  3. 1948 Common Era.