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Issue 17, Volume 66
Special Edition, Page 6
Royal Gazette

23 March 2492

Therefore, He gives a great royal command by which He declares to all an order that this Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand be enacted and be applied in place of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim), which was enacted on the 9th day of November 2490 Buddhist Era, from the day of its publication in the Government Gazette onwards.

May all the Thais be of one heart and mind and be united in unanimously preserving and observing this Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, in order that the regime of democracy would remain well in the territory of [this] Kingdom and that [all the] happiness and outstanding wellbeing, all the various types of thriving triumph, all the diverse favourable outcomes, and total and eternal fame would befall the people under His authority in accordance with His great royal wish. May all of this come true!

Section1.Thailand is one and whole kingdom incapable of separation.

Section2.Thailand has an administration under the regime of democracy [and] has a Monarch as Head [of State].[1]

  1. See also the note about the term pramuk, here translated as "head".