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Volume 132, Number 64A
Page 4
Royal Gazette

15 July 2558

back to the Constitution Drafting Committee, the Constitution Drafting Committee shall effect rectification according to the ruling of the Constitutional Court, which must be finished within fifteen days from the day the Constitutional Court gave the ruling, upon which the Prime Minister shall bring and present the draft constitution to [the Monarch] in accordance with section 37, paragraph 7, provided that [the time limit] shall be counted from the day the Prime Minister receives the perfectly amended draft constitution.”

Section7.The provisions of sections 38 and 39 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim), 2557 Buddhist Era, shall be repealed and replaced by the following provisions:

Section38.The National Reform Assembly shall come to an end in the following events:

(1)the National Reform Assembly fails to finish considering the draft constitution within the designated time;

(2)the National Reform Assembly has finished considering the draft constitution in accordance with section 37, irrespective of whether or not it resolved to approve the draft constitution.

When the Constitution Drafting Committee fails to finish drawing up a draft constitution within the period of time under section 34, or when the event under (1) occurs, or when the National Reform Assembly resolves to disapprove the draft constitution, the Constitution Drafting Committee shall come to an end also, but section 33, paragraph 2, shall not apply to the Members of the Constitution Drafting Committee who vacate their positions for the said reason.

Section39.In the event that the National Reform Assembly has terminated but the Constitution Drafting Committee remains still, the Constitution Drafting Committee shall continue to perform its duties, save where the draft constitution is disapproved in the referendum, in which case the Constitution Drafting Committee shall terminate from the day of announcement of the referendum results. However, in the case that the draft constitution is approved in the referendum, the Constitution Drafting Committee shall continue to perform its duties in order to prepare the bills of the organic acts or other laws as necessary and introduce them to the National Legislative Assembly, and after the constitution has been promulgated, the performance of duties by the Constitution Drafting Committee shall be in accordance with the constitution so promulgated.

In the event that the National Reform Assembly has come to an end but the Constitution Drafting Committee still remains, if a Member of the Constitution Drafting Committee vacates his position for whatever reason during such period, the remaining [Members of the] Constitution Drafting Committee shall be able to continue their duties and the Constitution Drafting Committee shall be deemed composed of the remaining Members, and the Chief of the National Council for Peace and Order shall promptly appoint a Member of the Constitution Drafting Committee to fill the vacant position, provided that section 32, paragraphs 1, 2, and 3, shall not be applied.”

Section8.The following provisions shall be inserted in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim), 2557 Buddhist Era, as sections 39/1, 39/2, and 39/3:

Section39/1.Within thirty days from the day the National Reform Assembly and the Constitution Drafting Committee came to an end, or from the day the Constitution Drafting Committee came to an end according to section 39,