Page:英語入門 PS5LAAAAIAAJ.pdf/155

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The creed.

I be-lieve in God the Fa-ther Al-migh-ty, Ma-ker of heav-en and earth; and in Je-sus Christ, his on-ly Son, our Lord, who was con- ceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the vir-gin Ma-ry; suf-fered un-der Pon-tius Pi-late, was cru-ci-fied, dead and bur-ied; he de-scend-ed in-to hell; the third day he rose from the dead; he as-cend-ed in-to heav-en, and sit-teth on the right hand of God the Fath-er Al-migh-ty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I be-lieve in the Ho-ly Ghost; the ho-ly cath-o-lic church; the com-mun-ion of saints; the for-give-ness of sins; the res-ur-rec-tion of the bod-y; and life ev-er-last-ing. A-men.


我信眞神聖父、全能造成天地 者、我信其獨子耶穌基督我等 之主、我信其因聖靈之能、降孕 生於馬利亞之童身、我信其受 難於本丢彼拉多居官時、被釘 十字架而死、乃葬、我信其往陰 府、第三日自死者中復活、我信 其升天、坐於眞神聖父全能者 之右、我信其日後從彼而來審 判生死者、我信聖靈、我信聖公 會、又諸聖相通、我信罪之赦、肉 身之復活常生焉、亞孟、