Page:(Ane hundred) godly lessons that a mother on her death-bed gave to her children.pdf/2

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Be mild and Gentle in thy Speech,
both unto Man and Child,
Refuſe no good and lawful gains,
with Words be not beguil’d.
Forget not any good Turn done,
and help thy Neighbours need:
Commit no Evil in any Caſe,
the Hungery ſee thou feed.

Caſt no Man in the Teeth with that
which thou for him haſt done:
Remember Fleſh is fond and frail,
and hatred ſee thou ſhun.
Leave Wicked Things, then no Miſhap
ſhall thee to Trouble bring,
Crave no Preferment of the Lord
nor Honour or the King.

Boaſt not thy ſelf before GOD’s fight,
who knows thy Heart alway,
Offend not thou the Multitude;
faint not when thou doſt Pray.
Scorn nor a Man in Miſery,
eſteem not tatling Tales;
Conſider Reaſon is exil'd,
when as a Drunkard rails.