Page:(Ane hundred) godly lessons that a mother on her death-bed gave to her children.pdf/5

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They that the Living GOD do fear,
a faithful Friend ſhall find;
A true Friend is a Jewel rare,
and Comfort to the Mind.
Hear Sermons, that good Sentences
thou may’ſt receive aright:
In GOD’s Commandments exerciſe
thy ſelf both Day and Night.

Think on the Pains thy Mother had
in bringing thee to Life;
Fear GOD that knows the Secret Heart,
and look thou make no Strife,
Viſit the Sick with Carefulneſs,
the Priſoners Grief conſider.
Show Pity to the Fatherleſs,
and he will thee deliver.

Help ſtill to right the Widows Wrong;
remember ſtill thy End,
So ſhalt thou never do amiſs.
nor willingly offend.
Truſt not a reconciled Friend,
more than an open Foe,
Who toutcheth Pitch ſhall be defil’d,
take Heed thou do not ſo.
