yeares. The second from the floud to the going of Abraham out of his countrie, The second 368. or 398. The third. about. 430.Gen. 8. Gen 12. Genebrard Chronolog. S. Aug. li. 15. c. 8. ciuit. Gal. 3. Exo. 16. 3. Reg. 6. 3 Reg. 7. 1. Esdiae 1.
368. or counting Cainan (Gen. 11. iuxta 72. & Luc. 3.) 398. yeares. The
third from Abraham his going forth of his countrie, to the parting of the
children of Israel out of Aegypt. Which-some count to haue continued 720.
yeares, others (whom we folow) but 430. And thus farre in the law of
nature before the written law. The fourth age dured, 480. yeares, from The fourth 480.
the deliuerie of the children of Israel forth of Aegypt, to the fundation of the Temple
in Ierusalem. The fifth age was from the fundation of the Temple, to The fifth 430. The sixth, nere 640. Al the time from the creation to Christ aboue. 4000. yeares.
the captiuitie & transmigration of the Iewes into Babylon, about 430. yeares.
And the sixth age dured about 640. yeares, from the Captiuitie of Babylon to
Christ. In al which times God was acknowledged and rightly serued, by
a continual visible Church, with true Religion; the same & no other, which
now that Church holdeth, that is called and knowen by she name of Catholique.
As we intend, by Gods assistance, to shew by briefe Annotations,
concerning diuers particular points now in Controuersie, as the holie Text
geueth occasion. And especially by way of Recapitulation after euerie one
of the six ages, when we come to those passages in the Historie, where the same
are ended.
OF MOYSES THE AVTHOR OF THE fiue first bookes.
MOyses (so called because he was taken from the water, as the name MOYSES. signifieth, taken from the water.Exod. 6. Num. 26. 1. Par. 6. Ioseph li. 2 Antiq. cap. 9. S. Aug▪ ser. 88. de temp. S. Greg. oratio. in laudem Basilij magni. S. Aug. li. 18. ciuit. c. 39.
signifieth) was borne in Aegypt, the sonne of Amram, the sonne of
Caath, the sonne of Leui the Patriarch, and so of Iacob, Isaac, and
Abraham. His maruelous deliuerie from drowning, his education, excellent
forme, singular wisdome, heroical vertues, rare dexteritie in al affayres, &
whole life most admirable, are gathered out of holie Scriptures, by S. Gregorie
Bishop of Nissen, into a briefe Summe, most worthie to be read, but
to large for this place. He was borne about the yeare of the world two thousand The excellencie of Moyses
foure hundred, long before al prophane writers, yea before manie of
the Painimes false goddes, as S. Augustin declareth in diuers places of his
most excellent booke intituled of the Citie of God. He liued in this world
120. yeares. Of which 40. were in Pharaos court, as the adopted sonne of
Pharaos daughter: fourtie in banishment from Aegypt in Madian: and fourtie
more he gouerned the people of Israel. His singular prayses are also briefly
touched in the last chapter of Deuteromie, added by Iosue. and in the booke of Deut. 34. Eccli 45. Glos. ord
Ecclesiasticus. He died in the desert, and was buried in the vale of Moab, so His sepulchre not knowen to anie man.
secretly that no mortal man knew his sepulchre, lest the Iewes, who were very
prone to Idolatrie, should haue adored his bodie with diuine honour, for the
greatnes and multitude of his miracles, and for the singular estimation, they
had of him for the same.THE