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But here an other question may be proposed: Why we Why we translate the old Latin text.

translate the Latin text, rather then the Hebrew, or Greke,

which Protestantes preferre, as the fountaine tongues,

wherin holie Scriptures were first written? To this we

answer, that if in dede those first pure Editions were now More pure then the Hebrew or Greke now extant.

extant, or if such as be extant, were more pure then the Latin,

we would also preferre such fountaines before the riuers,

in whatsoeuer they should be found to disagree. But

the ancient best lerned Fathers, & Doctors of the Church, Tertulliā li. 5. cont Marcion S. Ambrose. li. 3 deSpirit. San. c. 11 S. Ieron: li. 1. con. Iouiniā.

do much complaine, and testifie to vs, that both the Hebrew

and Greke Editions are fouly corrupted by Iewes,

and Heretikes, since the Latin was truly translated out of

them, whiles they were more pure. And that the same Latin

hath bene farre better conserued from corruptions. So

that the old Vulgate Latin Edition hath bene preferred,

and vsed for most authentical aboue a thousand and three

hundered yeares. For by this verie terme S. Ierom calleth

that Version the vulgate or common, which he conferred with in 49. Isaiae.

the Hebrew of the old Testament, and with the Greke

of the New; which he also purged from faultes committed by

writers, rather amending then translating it. Though in li. 20. c. 24 mora. Epist. dedicat. ad Leandr. li. 2. Doct Christ. c. 14. lib. 6. Etymol. c. 5. & li. 1 de Diuin offic. c. 12.

regard of this amending, S. Gregorie calleth it the new versiō

of S. Ierom: who neuertheles in an other place calleth the

self same, the old Latin Edition, iudging it most worthy to be

folowed. S. Augustin calleth it the Italian. S. Isidorus witnesseth Receiued by al Churches.

that S. Ierom; version was receiued and approued by al

Christian Churches. Sophronius also a most lerned man, Turned into Greke.

seing S. Ieroms Edition so much estemed, not only of the

Latines, but also of the Grecians, turned the Psalter & Prophetes,

out of the same Latin into Greke. Of latter times

what shal we nede to recite other most lerned men? S. Bede

S. Anselme, S. Bernard, S. Thomas, S. Bonauenture, & the

rest? Who al vniformly allege this only text as authentical.

In so much that al other Latin Editions, which S. Ierom Prefat. in Iosue.

saith were in his time almost innumerable, are as it were