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and the water pot be broken vpon the fountaine, and the gently whiles he hath time, before death come, when al his senses & former helpes shal faile. 7 wheele be broken vpon the cesterne, † and the dust returne into his earth, from whence it was, and the spirite returne to * The preacher. 8 God, who gaue it. † Vanitie of vanities, sayd * Ecclesiastes, 9 and al thinges vanitie. † And wheras Ecclesiasstes was mos wiste, he taught the people, and declared the thinges that he had done: and searching forth made manie parables. 10 † He sought profitable wordes, and wrote wordes most 11 right, and ful of truth. † The wordes of wisemen are as prickes, and as nailes deepely stricken in, which by the 12 counsel of the maisters are geuen of one pastour. † More then these my sonne require not. Of making manie bookes there ::This is the brise summe of al profitable doctrine: Feare God, & kepe his commandments. is no end: and often meditation is affliction of the flesh. 13 † :: Letvs al heare together the end of speaking. Feare God, and obserue his commandments: for this is euerie man: * Hidden, obscure (illegible text).14 † and al thinges that are done, God wil bring into iudgement for euerie * errour, whether it be good, or euil.

The Argvment Of The Canticle
Of Canticles

Proem. in Eccle.SAlomon, called also Ecclesiastes, and Idida, according to these King Salomon according to his three names writte and intitled his three bookes. three names (as S. Ierom noteth) writte three bookes of three particular arguments, directed to three degrees of people, with three distinct titles, al tending to one end, the true seruive of God, which bringeth to eternal felicitie. In the first he teacheth the principles of good life, to flee from vices, and folow vertues: belonging to such as beginne to obserue Gods law, wherin true wisdom consisteth: and this booke is called the Prouerbes, or Parables, that is to say, Pithie, brief, sentencious precepts; of Salomon, which signifieth Salomon Pacifier king of Israel. Pacificus, Peaceable, or Pacifier: the sonne of Dauid, King of Israel. In the second he exhorteth to contemne this world,shewing that true felicitie consisteth not in anie worldlie or temporal things, but in the eternal fruition of God, which is obtayned by keping his commandments. And this booke he (illegible text): The wordes of Ecclesiastes, which is Concionator, Ecclesiastes, Preacher king of Ierusalem. Preacher, Sonne of Dauid, King of Ierusalem, because he there exhorteth such as haue made some progreſſe in virtues, called Proficientes, signified by the inhabitants of the Metropolitan citie Ierusalem; whereas in the former he stiled himself king of Israel, proposing precepts mete for al

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