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as he hath all power in heaven and earth,fo alfo hath pro- mifed, if we keep his commandements which he hath gi- ven us,to be with us to the end of the world :and when we have finished our courfe, and kept the faith, to give us the crowne of righteoufneffe, which is laid up for all that love his appearing, and to whom we muft give an account of all our actions, no man being able to diſcharge us of the fame.


And likewife unto all men is to be given what foever is their due; tributes, cuftomes, and all fuch law full duties, ought willingly to bee by us paid and performed, our lands, goods, and bodies, to fubmit to the Magiftrate in the Lord, and the Magiftrate every way to bee acknow- ledged, reverenced,and obeyed, according to godlineffe ; not becaufe of wrath onely, but for confcience fake. And finally, all men fo to be efteemed and regarded, as is due and meet for their place, age,eftate and condition.

Rom.13-5,6,7. Matth.23.31. Titus 3. 1Pet.2. 13. Ephef.5.31,33 & 6.1,9 1 Pet. 5.5.


And thus wee defire to give unto God that which is Gods, and unto Cefar that which is Cefars, and unto all men that which belongeth unto them, endevouring our felves to have alwayes a cleare confcience void of offence towards God,and towards man. And if any take this that we have faid, to be herefie, then doe wee with the Apoftle freely confeffe, that after the way which they call herefie, worship we the God of our Fathers, beleeving all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets and A- poftles, defiring from our foules to difclaime all herefies

Matth. 22. 31. Acts 24.14,152 16. Isan 5. 28.' a Cor. 4.17- 1 Tim.6. 3,4,5 1 COR. 15.58,59