Page:1808 Poems by Felicia Dorothea Browne.pdf/116

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’Tis thine to dress the vale anew,
In fairest verdure bright with dew;
And harebells of the mildest blue,
        Smile in thy way;
Then let us welcome pleasant spring,
And still the flowery tribute bring,
And still to thee our carol sing,
        Oh! lovely May.

Now by the genial zephyr fann'd,
The blossoms of the rose expand;
And rear'd by thee with gentle hand,
        Their charms display;
The air is balmy and serene,
And all the sweet luxuriant scene
By thee is clad in tender green,
        Oh! lovely May.


When sad the parting word we hear,
    That seems of past delights to tell;
Who then, without a sacred tear,
Can say farewell?