Page:1808 Poems by Felicia Dorothea Browne.pdf/12

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Oh! God, my father and my friend,
Ever thy blessings to me send;
Let me have virtue for my guide,
And wisdom always at my side;
Thus cheerfully thro' life I'll go,
Nor ever feel the sting of woe;
Contented with the humblest lot,
Happy, tho' in the meanest cot.
F. D. B. aged 9.


How short, sweet flower, have all thy beauties been,
An hour they bloom'd, and now no more are seen:
So human grandeur fades, so dies away;
Beauty and wealth remain but for a day.
But virtue lives for ever in the mind,
In her alone true happiness we find:
The perfume stays, altho' the rose be dead;
So virtue lives, when every grace is fled.