Page:1808 Poems by Felicia Dorothea Browne.pdf/14

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See, too, yon rugged hill, upon whose brow
Majestic trees and woods aspiring grow.
There to the right, the vale of Clwyd ends;
Here to the left, huge Penman-mawr extends:
Look to the south, the Cambrian mountains o'er;
Hark! to the north, the ocean's awful roar.
Remark those lowing herds and sportive sheep,
And watchful shepherds too, their flocks who keep.
Behold yon ships, now on the glassy main,
Which spread the sails, their destin'd port to gain.
These lovely prospects, how they cheer my soul,
With what delight and joy I view the whole!
Accept Great God, thanks for these blessings giv'n,
And may my gratitude ascend to heav'n.


How awful how sublime this view,
Each day presenting something new.
Hark! now the seas majestic roar,
And now the birds their warblings pour;
Now yonder lark's sweet notes resound,
And now an awful stillness reigns around.

F. D. B. aged 10