Page:1808 Poems by Felicia Dorothea Browne.pdf/41

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Fair vine, long may thy leaves extend,
    While gentle showers refresh thy root;
Long may thy graceful branches bend,
    Enrich'd with purpling luscious fruit.

Sweet rose, long may thy flow'rs receive
The lucid tears of morn and eve;
Long mayst thou in profusion spread,
Thy straying buds of brigthest red.


Lovely Hesperus arise,
    Why so tardy, glittering star?
See already in the skies,
    Cynthia guides her beaming car.
The night is placid, sweet, and clear,
Hesperus, appear, appear.

Deign this festive eve to bless,
    Thou, than glowing gems more bright!
Beaming in thy fairest dress,
    Shed thy lustre on the night.
Auspicious Hesperus, appear,
In thy radiance, soft and clear.