Page:1808 Poems by Felicia Dorothea Browne.pdf/69

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And if thy heart should ever mourn,
    May friendship soothe the anxious sorrow;
Till hope with lovely smile return,
    To promise thee a brighter morrow.

And ah! may health benignly shed
Her blessings o'er thy sister's head;
And nurse the charge with influence bland,
Till on her cheek the rose expand.


The muse shall breathe a native lay,
And sweetly consecrate the day;
While Anna by the power of truth
Leads on our emulative youth;
While each young virtue of the heart,
To her a rapture can impart.
The genuine thoughts her soul may prize,
Endear'd by fond affection's ties;
Warm from the bosom's ardent glow,
The wild effusions gaily flow.
"The muse shall breathe a native lay,
"And sweetly consecrate the day:"
While love and friendship's pure delight,
To bless our little band unite.