Sect. 31. No letter of attorney or other instrument so recorded, shall be deemed to be revoked by any act of the party by whom it was executed, unless the instrument containing such revocation be also recorded in the same office in which the instrument containing the power was recorded.
Sect. 32. A scroll or device used as a seal upon any deed of conveyance, or other instrument whatever, whether intended to be recorded or not, shall have the same force and effect as a seal attached thereto, or impressed thereon; but this section shall not be construed to apply to such official seals, as are or may be provided for by law.
Sect. 33. All conveyances of real estate, heretofore made and acknowledged, or proved in accordance with the laws of this territory, in force at the time of such making and acknowledgment or proof, shall have the same force as evidence, and be recorded in the same manner, and with the like effect, as conveyances executed and acknowledged in pursuance of the provisions of this chapter.
Sect. 34. Any mortgage that has been, or hereafter may be recorded, may be discharged by an entry in the margin of the record thereof, signed by the mortgagee, or his personal representative, or assignee, acknowledging the satisfaction of the mortgage in the presence of the register of deeds or his deputy, who shall subscribe the same as a witness; and such entry shall have the same effect as a deed of release, duly acknowledged and recorded.
Sect. 35. Any mortgage shall be discharged upon the record thereof, by the register of deeds in whose custody it shall be, whenever there shall be presented to him a certificate executed by the mortgagee, his personal representatives or assigns, acknowledged or proved, and certified as hereinbefore prescribed to entitle conveyances to be recorded, specifying that such mortgage has been paid, or otherwise satisfied or discharged.
Sect. 36. Every such certificate, and the proof or acknowledgment thereof, shall be recorded at full length, and a reference shall be made to the book and page containing such record, in the minute of the discharge of such mortgage made by the register upon the record thereof.
Sect. 37. If any mortgagee, or his personal representative or assignee, as the case may be, after a full performance