contain the names of all the persons voting at such election in their numerical order.
Sect. 20. At each adjournment of the polls, the clerk shall, in presence of the judges, compare their repective poll lists, compute and set down the number of votes, and correct all mistakes that may be discovered, according to the decision of the board, until such poll lists shall be made in all respects to correspond.
Sect. 21. The ballot-box shall then be opened and the poll list placed therein; and such box shall then be locked, and a covering with a seal placed on the opening in the lid of such box, so as entirely to cover the same, and the key delivered to one of the judges, and the box to another, to be designated by the board.
Sect. 22. The judge having the key shall keep it in his own possession, and deliver it again to the board at the next opening of the poll; and the person having the box shall carefully keep it without opening it, or suffering it to be opened, or the seal thereof to be broken or removed ; and shall publicly, in that condition, deliver it to the board of judges at the next opening of the poll, when the seal shall be broken, the box opened, the poll lists taken out, and the box again locked.
Sect. 23. It shall be the duty of each judge of election to challenge every person offering to vote, whom he shall know or suspect not to be qualified as an elector.
Sect. 24. For the preservation of order, as well as to secure the judges and clerks from insult and abuse, it shall be the duty of the constable or constables residing in the town, district, or precinct, who sell be designated for the purpose by the judges of the election, to attend all elections within such town, district, or precinct, and should no constable attend at such elections, the judges of election are hereby authorized and empowered to appoint one or more special constables to assist in preserving order during the election; and the judges are hereby authorized to enforce a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, on any person or persons who shall conduct in a disorderly or riotous manner, and shall persist in such conduct after having been warned of the consequences, and on refusal to pay the same, to commit him or them to the common jail of the county, for any time not