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46 THE DECLINE AND FALL [Chap, xxxvi two independent and hostile kingdoms ; and the nobles of Liguria, who trembled at the near approach of a civil war, fell prostrate at the feet of the patrician, and conjured him to spare their unhappy country. « For my own part," replied Ricimer in a tone of insolent moderation, " I am still inclined to embrace the friendship of the Galatian ; 112 but who will undertake to appease his anger, or to mitigate the pride which always rises in proportion to our submission?" They in- [Ticinum] formed him that Epiphanius, bishop of Pavia, 113 united the wisdom of the serpent with the innocence of the dove ; and appeared confident that the eloquence of such an ambassador must prevail against the strongest opposition either of interest or passion. Their recommendation was approved; and Epiphanius, assuming the benevolent office of mediation, proceeded without delay to Rome, where he was received with the honours due to his merit and reputation. The oration of a bishop in favour of peace may be easily supposed : he argued, that in all possible circumstances the forgiveness of injuries must be an act of mercy, or magnanimity, or prudence ; and he seriously admonished the emperor to avoid a contest with a fierce Barbarian, which might be fatal to himself, and must be ruinous to his dominions. Anthemius acknowledged the truth of his maxims ; but he deeply felt, with grief and indignation, the behaviour of Ricimer, and his passion gave eloquence and energy to his discourse. "What favours," he warmly exclaimed, "have we refused to this ungrateful man? What provocations have we not endured? Regardless of the majesty of the purple, I gave my daughter to a Goth ; I sacrificed my own blood to the safety of the republic. The liberality which ought to have secured the eternal attachment of Ricimer has exasperated him against his benefactor. What wars has he not excited against the empire? How often has the Burgundians, and he maintained an intimate connexion with the Suevic colony established in Pannonia and Noricum. 112 Galatam conoitatum. Sirmond (in his notes to Ennodius) applies this application to Anthemius himself. The emperor was probably born in the province of Galatia, whose inhabitants, the Gallo-Greoians, were supposed to unite the vices of a savage, and a corrupted, people. 113 Epiphanius was thirty years bishop of Pavia (a.d. 467-497 ; see Tillemont, M6m. Eccl^s. torn. xvi. p. 788). His name and actions would have been unknown to posterity if Ennodius, one of his successors, had not written his life (Sirmond, Opera, torn. i. p. 1647-1692 [cp. App. 6]), in which he presents him as one of the greatest characters of the age.