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Exhibit No. 6A

Publishers Whose Comic Books Have Been Evaluated

June 1953

The Canunitiee on Evaluation of Comic Books, Box 1486, Cincinnati, Obie, bas evaluated 418 comic hooks published by 106 publishers. These books cover a period of 8 or 4 months' publication and therefore are 4 larger number than are in publication at any particular time. Since most of them are still In cirenlation, it is deemed wise to include them here for the guidance of those who seek it. The committee has graded this literature wud placed it in the four levels of (A) no objection, (B) some objection, {OC} objectiouuble, and (D) very objectionable. Those books rated A and B are considered safe for use by children and young people.


A. A. Wynn, Inc, 23 West 47th Street, New York, N. Y.; Glaniorous Romances (B), Real Love (8), The Haud of Fute (1D). Web of Mystery (D).

Ace Magazines, Ine., 23 West 47th Street, New York, N. Y.; Complete Love Maga- zine (©), Ten-Story Love (RB), War Heroes (C), World War HT (€).

Ace Periodicals, [ne., 23 West 47th Street, New York, N. Y.; Love Experiences (C).

Allen Lfardy Associates, 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y.; Danger (C), War Fury (C), Weird Ferror (D).

Animirth Comics, Inc., 27@ Park Avenue, New York, N, Y.; Battlefield (C), Spell- hound (D).

Archie Comic Publications, Inc., 241 Church Street, New York, N. Y.; Archie Comics (A), Tughead Comics, Acchle's Pal (A), Wilbur Comics (A).

Aragon Magazines, Inc., 949 Broadway, New York, N. Y.; Mister Mystery (D).

Arnold Publications, Inc,, 578 Summer Street, Stamford, Conn.; Marmaduke Monse (A}.

Atlas News Co., 350 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y.: Lovers (B).

Ayou Periodicals, Inc., 575 Madisou Avenue, New York, N. Y.: Buddies in the U. S. Army (CG), Eerie (0), Kighting Daniel Boone (B), Fighting Under Sea Commandos (B), Merry Mouse (A), Night of Mystery (C}, Peter Rabbit (A), Snace Mouse (A), U, S. Tank Commandos (CG), Wild Bill Hickock, (C), Witcheraft (D)

Bard Publishing Corp., 340 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y.: Patsy Walker (A)

B.& M. Distributing Co., 45 West 45th Street, New York, N. Y.: Dizzy Dames (A), Skeleton Hiand (€)}

Best Syndicated Features, [ne., 46 West 45th Street, New York, N. Y.: Adventures Into the Unknown (bD}, Romantic Adventures (A), Spy-Hunters (C), The Kilroys (33)

Better Publications, Inc., 10 East 40th Street, New York, N. Y.: Exciting War (C), topular Romance (C)

Pe Vublishing Co., 486 Lexington Avenne, New ¥ork, N. Y.: Secret Hearts (A

Broadcast Features Publishing Corp., 485 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y.: My Friend Irma (B)}

Canam Pablishers Sales Corp., 250 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y.: Journey Into Mystery (0), War Action (©)

Capito] Stories, Ine., Charlton Building, Derby, Conn.: Crime and Justice (D), Hot Rods and Tiacing Cars (C), Lawbreakers Suspense Stories (D), Racket. Squad in Action (C), Space Adventures (C), Space Western Comics (C), The Thing (D), True Life Seercts (C)

Chipiden Publishing Corp., 250 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y.: Strange Tales (D)

Classic Syndicate, Inc., 350 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y.: Mystie (D), Spy Fighters (C)

Close-Up, Inc., 241 Church Street. New York, N. Y.: Katy Keeue (A), Laugh Oomics (A), Super Dueck Comies (A), Suzie Comies (A)

Comie Combine Corp., 350 Fifih Avenue, New York, N. Y.: Men's Adventures

Comic Favorites, Ine, 578 Sumner Street, Stamford, Conn.: Doll Mau (C), Gabby (A), Jonesy (B)

Comic Magazines, 847 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y.: Blackhawk (C), Candy (A), Crack Western (C}, G. I. Combat (C), G. I, Sweethearts (8), Heurt

Throbs (B), Ken Shannon (C), Love Confessions (B), Love Letters (RB), Love