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Harvey Enterprises, Inc., 3860 Broadway, New York, N. Y.: First Love Illus- trated (GC), Horace and Dotty Dripple Comics (A)

Harvey Picture Magazines, Inc., 1860 Broadway, New York, N. Y.: Lithle Audrey Comies (A), Warfront (G)

Harvey Poblications, Ine, 1860 Broadway, New York, N. Y.: Blondie (A), Dag- wood Comies, Chic Young's (A), Daisy and Her Pups (4), Dick Tracy Comics Monthly {C), Jizgs and Maggie (A), Joe Talooka Adventures {B), Katzen- jammer Kids (A), Little Max Comics (A), Sad Sack Comics (A), Tomb of Verror {D)

Yarwell Publications, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y.: All Prue Romance (CG), Horrific (D)

Headline Publicutions, Inc., 1790 Broadway, New York, N. Y.: Headline Comics (C), Justice Traps the Guilty (C)

Hercules Publishing Gorp., 350 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y.: Menace (C), Spy Cases (D}

Hillman Periodicals, Ine, 5388 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y.: Airboy Comics {G), Dead-Bye Western (D}, Frogmun Comics (B), Hot Rod and Speedway Comics (B}, Real Clue Crime Stories (C), Romantic Confessions (A)

Home Comirs, Inc., 1866 Broadway, New York, N. Y.: Black Cat Mystery (D}, First Ramance Magazine (13}, Hi-School Romance (C)}, Love Problems and Advice Illustrated (B)

I. ©. Publishing Co,, Inc., 225 Lafayette Street, New York, N. Y.: Tales from the Crypt (D), Weird Fantasy (C}

Interstate Publishing Corp., 270 Park Avenue, New York, N. Y.: Battle Brady {Cj}, Young Men on the Battlehela (C)

Junior Books, Ine., 25 West 47th Street, New York, N. Y.: Fun Time (4)

K, K. Publieutiona, Inc, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.: Red Ryder Comies (B), Walt Disney's Comics and Stories (A)

Leading Magazine Corp., 250 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y.; Kid Colt Outlaw {C}

Ley Gleason Publications, Inc., 114 East 32d Street, New York, N. Y.: Black Diamond (G6), Boy Illustories (0), Boy Loyes Girl (C), Crime Does Not Pay (C), Crime and Punishment Tllustories (D), Daredevil (A), Dilly €A), Lover's Lane (A)

Literary E:terprises, Inc., 10 East 40th Street, New York, N. Y.: Buster Bunny {A}, Fantastic Worlds (C), Lueky Duck (A), Peter Pig (A), Sniffy the Pup (A), Supermoause, the Big Cheese (A)

L, L. Publishing Co. Inc, 225 Lafayette Street, New York, N. Y.: Crime Sus- pen Stories (D), The Vault of Horror (D)

Love Romances Publishing Co., Inc., 1658 Summer Street, Stamford, Conn.: Planet Comies (C}

Magazine Enterprises, 11 Park Pluce, New York, N. Y.: Best of the West (C), Big Town (GC), Cave Girl (0), Straight Arrow (C). Tim Holt (C), The Ameri- ean Air Porees (B), Phe Durango Kid (€), The Ghost Rider (D)

Magazine Publishers, Inc., 737 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Dl: Mazie CA), Mortie (A), Stevie (A}

Mirjcan Magazine Corp, 8350 Fifth Avenuc, New York, N. Y.: Justice (D)

Marvel Comics, Ine., 350 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y.: Marvel Vales (D}.

Master Comics, In¢., 11 East 44th Strect, New York, N. Y.: Dark Mysteries (D), Romantic Hearts (A}

Michel Publications, Ine., 45 West 45th Street, New York, N. Y.: Gookie (A), Funny Films (A), Loyelern (A), Operation; Peril (), The Tooded Llorseman (Cj

Minoan Pnblishing Corp., 17 Mast 45th Street, New York, N, Y.: Love Doctor, Dr, Anthony King (C), Tales of Horror (Bj, The Purple Claw (1)

Mies Ainerica Publishing Corp., 350 Fifth Avenne, New York, N, Y.: Miss America (A)

National Gomies Publications, Inc., 480 Lexington Avenue, New York, N. Y.: Action Comics (0), A Date With Judy (A}, Adventure Comics (BR), All Ameri- can Men of War (B), All Star Western (C), Bat Man (©), Buzzy (C), Comic Cavalcade (A), Detective Comics (B), Fippity and Flop (.A), Funny Stuff (A), Gane Busters (B), Mere's Howie (A), Hollywood Fimny Folks (4), House of Mrstery (C6), Leading Screen Comics (A), Leave Ir to Linky (A), Movictown's Animal Antics (A), Mr. District Attorney (13), Mutt & Jeff (A), Mystery In Space (5B), Our Army at War (RB), Peter Porkchops (A), Real Screen Comies (A), Sensation Mystery (CG), Star Spangled War Stories (A), Strange Adven-

tures (C), Superboy (8), Superman (3), The Adventures af Bob Hone (4),