9. CHARLOTTE. Area Affected: Okinawa.
Okinawa: Typhoon CHARLOTTE left 46 persons dead, 24 injured and 1,038 homeless in Okinawa. Also, 275 homes and 11 public buildings were destroyed and 618 homes were damaged.
A total of 24 inches of rain fell on the island. The rain, coupled with high winds, left 75 per cent of the island's rice crops in ruins and destroyed 16 per cent of the sugar cane and other crops.
Damage to military installations on the island amounted to $300,000, which included mostly power lines, water supplies, and other utilities. The only buildings damaged were temporary structures.
Landslides caused by heavy rains crumpled homes and buried victims trapped inside under tons of dirt and rock in Ogimi, Takazato, Taiho, Tsuda and Hidashi. Parts of Naha were flooded under 5 feet of water as the Asato river overflowed its banks.
10. EMMA. Area Affected: Okinawa.
Okinawa: EMMA left at least 2 persons dead, demolished 46 houses and 4 government buildings, and heavily damaged 108 other buildings on the island of Okinawa. Communications were interrupted and crops were seriously damaged. Naha had its low lying areas flooded and merchandise and shop fixtures suffered heavy damage.
Officials listed eight vessels sunk and eight others missing while unconfirmed reports said 47 ships were sunk or damaged during the storm. Numerous ships at sea were caught by storm and were forced to radio for help. The 8,713-ton Nikkai Maru sank some 250 miles south of Okinawa; 35 of the 38 crew members were rescued.