ing of the barometer before it works. Continuous heavy rain and increasing winds.
(h) 302155Z: The NE corner of the roof was observed to rise approximately one foot from the edge of the building and a few seconds later, the entire roof, including rafters, was blown away. Personnel took shelter under what debris was available to prevent personnel injuries from flying debris and equipment inside the building.
(i) 310100Z: (E, 85 to 100 kts) Heavy rain with winds gusting to 100 kts, slowly diminishing and shifting to SE.
(j) 310130Z: (SE, 75 to 85 kts) All hands returned to lower station to commence clearing quarters of water and sand. Only minor injuries were suffered by two of the personnel. The rest of this day was spent clearing living quarters and galley of water, sand, and broken glass. A hot meal was enjoyed by everyone and sleep came easily on wet and sandy mattresses. By 310800Z, winds had diminished to approximately 30 kts."