What conditions prevail in the United States which allow this unusual organization its present-day appeal and notoriety? Why is the NOI seemingly more important today than at any time in its history?
Prominent Negro scholars point to a new assertive mood, frequently called "Black Nationalism," rising among the Negroes in this country. But Negro leaders differ in their interpretation and use to be made of this mood. However, into whatever causes they channel this mood, all recognize one common concept--the American Negro is a group with a heritage of suffering, taking action to force the white majority to recognize and fulfill its legal rights.
We observe this new mood in the actions and activities of the majority of the nonviolent demonstrations, such as school integration, voter registration, boycotts, et cetera, of the major civil rights organizations. The "Black Nationalism" of these civil rights organizations is expressed in their dedication to the integration of Negroes within the present framework of society.
However, despite avowals of nonviolence, there has been a growing militant tone to the activities of the Negro rights movements.
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