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Page:1965 FBI monograph on Nation of Islam.djvu/94

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The actual value to Elijah of his radio broadcasting is hardly assessable. However, it is significant that the schedule continues to be set out in the cult paper and that frequently the list of stations carrying his programs and the list of cities reached reflect changes. The March 5, 1965, issue of "Muhammad Speaks" lists 31 cities which can receive Elijah's weekly broadcasts beamed from 19 radio stations around the country. Fourteen of the 31 cities are supposed to be receiving the programs from Station XERF, a Mexican radio station located just across the border from Del Rio, Texas.

Another advertising media tried by Elijah was beset with even more difficulties. Early in 1964, Elijah decided to utilize public transportation systems to carry signs advertising his programs. This plan proved expensive and disappointing to Elijah. Many transportation companies would not accept his advertising, others that agreed to carry the signs soon cancelled the program after receiving complaints from citizens and civic organizations in their areas.

When the transit program was begun early in 1964, the signs carried Elijah's picture and, in large letters, the challenge: "Read--Muhammad Speaks Newspaper." Below these words appeared the name of the local radio station and the time when Elijah's speeches could be heard. Later, after his economic program was devised, those companies still accepting his advertisements displayed pertinent new signs. Again, Elijah's picture drew attention, but the new

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