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the President, and also wanting to hear if there was more that European countries could do to support Ukraine.[1]

Vice President Pence did not discuss any investigations with President Zelensky.[2] Morrison said that Vice President Pence spoke to President Trump that evening, who was "still skeptical" due to the fact that U.S. allies were not adequately contributing to Ukraine.[3] Although Ambassador Sondland claimed in his public hearing that he informed Vice President Pence of his assumption of a link between security assistance and investigations in advance of the Vice President's meeting with President Zelensky,[4] the Vice President's office said Ambassador Sondland never raised investigations or conditionality on the security assistance.[5]

On September 5, President Zelensky met in Kyiv with Senator Ron Johnson, Senator Chris Murphy, and Ambassador Taylor.[6] President Zelensky raised the issue of the security assistance, and Senator Johnson relayed to him what President Trump had told Senator Johnson during their August 31 conversation.[7] Senator Murphy then warned President Zelensky "not to respond to requests from American political actors or he would risk losing Ukraine's bipartisan support."[8] Senator Johnson recalled that he did not comment on Senator Murphy's statement but began discussing a potential presidential meeting.[9] To help President Zelensky understand President Trump's mindset, Senator Johnson "tried to portray [President Trump's] strongly held attitude and reiterated the reasons President Trump consistently gave [Senator Johnson] for his reservations regarding Ukraine: endemic corruption and inadequate European support."[10] Senator Johnson recounted how President Zelensky raised no concerns about pressure:

This was a very open, frank, and supportive discussion. There was no reason for anyone on either side not to be completely honest or to withhold any concerns. At no time during this meeting—or any other meeting on this trip—was there any mention by [President] Zelensky or any Ukrainian that they were feeling pressure to do anything in return for military aid, not even after [Senator] Murphy warned them about getting involved in the 2020 election—which would have been the perfect time to discuss any pressure.[11]

  1. Williams deposition, supra note 73, at 81.
  2. Impeachment Inquiry: Ambassador Kurt Volker and Mr. Timothy Morrison, supra note 8; Impeachment Inquiry: LTC Alexander Vindman and Ms. Jennifer Williams, supra note 6. In fact, Williams testified that Vice President Pence has "never brought up" these investigations. Impeachment Inquiry: LTC Alexander Vindman and Ms. Jennifer Williams, supra note 6.
  3. Morrison deposition, supra note 12, at 133-34.
  4. Impeachment Inquiry: Ambassador Gordon Sondland, supra note 56.
  5. Office of the Vice President, Statement from VP Chief of Staff Marc Short (Nov. 20, 2019). In addition, the summary of President Trump's July 25 call with President Zelensky was not included in Vice President Pence's briefing book for his meeting with President Zelensky. Williams deposition, supra note 73, at 108.
  6. Sen. Johnson letter, supra note 138, at 6.
  7. Id.
  8. Id. at 7.
  9. Id.
  10. Id.
  11. Id. at 8 (emphasis added).