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of drainage districts for the drainage of lands for any public use, and may vest the corporate authorities thereof, and the corporate authorities of counties, townships and municipalities, with power to construct levees, drains and ditches, and to keep in repair all drains, ditches and levees heretofore constructed under the laws of this state, by special assessments upon the property benefited thereby, according to benefits received.

§7. Irrigation of agricultural lands.

The irrigation of agricultural lands is hereby declared to be a public purpose and the Legislature may provide for the organization of irrigation districts for the irrigation of land, and may vest the corporate authorities thereof and the corporate authorities of counties, townships and municipalities with the power to construct, operate and maintain irrigation dams, reservoirs, canals, flumes, ditches and laterals, and to keep in repair all irrigation dams, reservoirs, canals, flumes, ditches and laterals heretofore constructed, under the laws of the state, by special assessments upon the property benefited thereby, according to the benefits received.

§8. Hail insurance.

The providing of insurance against loss or damage to crops by hail is hereby declared to be a public purpose, and the Legislature is authorized and empowered to levy an assessment upon agricultural land for such purpose, with such exemptions as may be provided by law. The state may be divided into hail insurance districts and the assessment per acre in the different districts shall be as the Legislature may determine, but such assessment shall be uniform upon all land of the same district that is similarly situated. The assessment hereby authorized may be levied by the Legislature direct, or by the corporate authorities of the districts herein provided for, or by such other agency as may be authorized by general law.

§9. Marriage.

Only marriage between a man and a woman shall be valid or recognized in South Dakota. The uniting of two or more persons in a civil union, domestic partnership, or other quasi-marital relationship shall not be valid or recognized in South Dakota.