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Fourth. That provision shall be made for the establishment and maintenance of systems of public schools, which shall be open to all the children of this state, and free from sectarian control.

Fifth. That jurisdiction is ceded to the United States over the military reservations of Fort Meade, Fort Randall and Fort Sully, heretofore declared by the president of the United States: provided legal process, civil and criminal, of this state shall extend over such reservations, in all cases of which exclusive jurisdiction is not vested in the United States, or of crimes not committed within the limits of such reservations.

These ordinances shall be irrevocable without the consent of the United States, and also the people of the said state of South Dakota, expressed by their legislative assembly.

§19. Tenure of elected officers.

The tenure of all officers, whose election is provided for in this schedule, on the first day of October, A. D. 1889, shall be as follows:

The Governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, auditor, treasurer, attorney general, superintendent of public instruction, commissioner of school and public lands, judges of county courts, shall hold their respective offices until the first Tuesday, after the first Monday, in January, A. D. 1891, at twelve o'clock m., and until their successors are elected and qualified.

The judges of the Supreme Court and circuit courts shall hold their offices until the first Tuesday, after the first Monday, in January, A. D. 1894, at twelve o'clock m., and until their successors are elected and qualified; subject to the provisions of § 26 of article V of the Constitution.

The terms of office of the members of the Legislature, elected at the first election held under the provisions of this Constitution, shall expire on the first Tuesday, after the first Monday, in January, 1891.

§20. Time of general election.

That the first general election under the provisions of this Constitution shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1890, and every two years thereafter.