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Article XXVII
State Control of Manufacture
And Sale of Liquor (Repealed)

Article XXVIII
County Investment of
Permanent School and Investment Funds

§1. School and governmental bonds -- Farm loans.

The several counties of the state shall invest the moneys of the permanent school and endowment funds in bonds of school corporations, state, county and municipal bonds or in first mortgages upon good improved farm lands within their limits respectively, under such regulations as the Legislature may provide, but no farm loan shall exceed one thousand dollars to any one person, firm or corporation.

Article XXIX
State Elevators, Warehouses,
Flouring Mills and Packing Houses

§1. Provision for elevators and warehouses -- Marketing of agricultural products -- Flouring mills and packing houses.

The Legislature may provide by law and appropriate money for the purchase or construction and operation of elevators and warehouses, within or without the state, for the marketing of agricultural products; and provided, further, that the Legislature may provide by law and appropriate money to buy or construct and operate flouring mills and packing houses within the state, if, in the future, and in the judgment of the Legislature, the public necessities may so require.