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taxation by consent only Art. VI, §17
treason, definition and evidence required Art. VI, §25
truth as defense to libel Art. VI, §5
union membership not required or prohibited Art. VI, §2
United States Constitution supreme Art. VI, §26
venue of criminal prosecution Art. VI, §7
warrant required for search and seizure Art. VI, §11
Board of Regents
composition and appointment Art. XIV, §3
criminal offense, bribery of public officer defined as Art. III, §28
disqualification from public office by conviction Art. III, §28
Legislature, disqualification from service in Art. III, §4
Business Enterprise
state conduct of business enterprises authorized Art. XIII, §1


Cement Plant
work of public necessity and importance Art. XIII, §10
pledge of state property and credit authorized Art. XIII, §11
trust fund created with proceeds from sale of state cement enterprises--investment Art. XIII, §20
transfers from trust fund to general fund in support of education Art. XIII, §21
Change of Name
special laws changing name prohibited Art. III, §23
Circuit Courts
appellate jurisdiction Art. V, §5
clerks, appointment, compensation Art. V, §11
employees, appointment and compensation Art. V, §11
general jurisdiction Art. V, §1
candidacy for non-judicial office Art. V, §10
disciplinary actions Art. V, §9
election Art. V, §7
number of judges Art. V, §3
practice of law prohibited Art. V, §10
presiding judge of circuit, appointment and duties Art. V, §11
qualifications Art. V, §6
retired judges performing judicial duties Art. V, §11
term of office Art. V, §7
vacancies, appointments to fill Art. V, §7
number of circuits Art. V, §3
original jurisdiction Art. V, §§1,5
presiding judge of circuit, appointment, duties, compensation Art. V, §11
writs issued by court Art. V, §5
Clerks of Court
appointment by presiding circuit judge Art. V, §11
Coal Mining
works of necessity and importance Art. XIII, §§9,14
pledge of state property and credit authorized Art. XIII, §15