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Deadwood gambling Art. III, §25
Legislature not to authorize game of chance, lottery or gift enterprise Art. III, §25
State lottery Art. III, §25
administrative officers and agencies, powers concerning Art. IV, §3
armed forces, powers concerning Art. IV, §3
commander-in-chief of armed forces Art. IV, §3
election Art. IV, §2
execution of laws Art. IV, §3
executive power vested in Governor Art. IV, §1
departments and agencies Art. IV, §8
separation from legislative and judicial powers Art. II
impeachment of Governor, lieutenant governor not to act Art. XVI, §6
presiding judge of Supreme Court to preside at trial Art. XVI, §2
Legislature, convening special sessions Art. IV, §3
limitation of number of consecutive terms Art. IV, §2
message to Legislature Art. IV, §3
public moneys, statement of receipts and expenditures to be included Art. XII, §4
pardons, commutations and reprieves, power to grant Art. IV, §3
powers and duties Art. IV, §3
qualifications for office Art. IV, §2
separation of executive from legislative and judicial powers Art. II
Supreme Court opinion, power to require Art. V, §5
term of office Art. IV, §2
vacancies in office, appointment by Governor Art. IV, §3
executive and administrative officers Art. IV, §9
judicial vacancies Art. V, §7
legislative vacancies Art. III, §10
vacancy in office, continuous absence from state or disability,
succession to executive powers Art. IV, §6
veto power over legislation Art. IV, §4
initiative and referendum measures, power not applicable Art. III, §1
Grand Jury
abolition or modification of grand jury permitted Art. VI, §10
presentment or indictment required in criminal prosecution Art. VI, §10


Habeas Corpus
suspension of writ prohibited Art. VI, §8
Hail Insurance
public purpose, districts and assessments Art. XXI, §8
good roads as works of necessity and importance Art. XIII, §9
motor vehicle and fuel taxes earmarked for highway purposes Art. XI, §8
right of way taken, fee remains in owner Art. VI, §13
special laws relating to streets, alleys and public ground prohibited Art. III, §23
tax exemption of property used for highway purposes Art. XI, §6