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organization and discipline of militia Art. XV, §2
quartering in houses, restrictions on Art. VI, §16
records, banners and relics, maintenance by adjutant general Art. XV, §6
subordination to civil power Art. VI, §16
voting at place of duty Art. VI, §19
voting residence not lost by absence from state Art. VII, §2
boundaries with state of Minnesota Art. I, §2
property of persons under disability, special laws providing
for sale or mortgage prohibited Art. III, §23
prohibition of combines and trusts, enforcement Art. XVII, §20
boundaries with the state of Montana Art. I, §2
Municipal Improvements
delegation of municipal powers to special commission
or private corporation or association prohibited Art. III, §26
drainage as public purpose Art. XXI, §6
irrigation as public purpose Art. XXI, §7
special assessments for local improvements authorized Art. XI, §10
borrowing power restricted, debt limitation based on assessed valuation Art. XIII, §4
home rule charters, adoption and affect Art. IX, §2
classification of local government units Art. IX, §1
debt limitation based on assessed valuation Art. XIII, §4
delegation of municipal powers to special commission or
private corporation or association prohibited Art. III, §26
incorporation of municipalities, special laws incorporating
municipalities prohibited Art. III, §23
indebtedness to municipality, release by Legislature prohibited Art. III, §24
initiative provisions applicable in municipalities Art. III, §1
intergovernmental cooperation Art. IX, §3
local government cooperation, petition for Art. IX, §4
organization of local government units Art. IX §1
plats of townsites, additions and subdivisions, special laws prohibited Art. III, §23
referendum provisions applicable in municipalities Art. III, §1
special assessments for public improvements authorized Art. XI, §10
special laws relating to municipalities, restrictions on Art. III, §23
street railway, consent of authorities required Art. XVII, §10
taxing powers restricted retirement of debt, levy for Art. XIII, §5
uniformity of tax for corporate purposes Art. XI, §10


National Guard
See Military Forces Art XV
boundaries with state of Nebraska Art. 1, §2