Page:30 CFR 1959.pdf/27

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§ 1.7
Title 30—Mineral Resources

§ 1.7 Initial advance for purchase of helium. The initial cash advance for purchase of helium may be computed as follows:

(a) On account of purchase price. (1) With applications for 500 units of helium or less: The full purchase price (not less than $380).

(2) With applications for more than 500 units of helium: $9,500, but the Bureau may require more.

(b) On account of services. The full amount of the estimated charges for the services to be rendered, not including charges for use of containers or tractors furnished by the Bureau.

[19 F. R. 788, Feb. 11, 1954]

§ 1.8 Initial advance and guarantee for containers. Unless the Bureau indicates some other or different requirements, the initial cash advance and the deposit or bond for use of containers may be determined as follows:

(a) Cash advance for use of containers. (1) $1.35 for each standard -type cylinder, but not less than $135 for cylinders contracted for on a monthly basis.

(2) $3 for each standard-type cylinder, but not less than $1,500 for cylinders contracted for on an annual basis.

(3) $300 for each round trip by & helium tank car.

(4) $50 for each round trip by a helium semi-trailer.

(5) $200 for each round trip by a tractor, if supplied by the Bureau to haul a helium semi-trailer.

(b) Cash deposit or bond as guarantee for containers and charges. (1) $25 for each of the first 500 standard-type cylinders, $10 for each of the second 500 of such cylinders, and $2 for each cylinder in excess of 1000.

(2) $50,000 for one helium tank car; or $100,000 for more than one but fewer than five helium tank cars, and an additional $10,000 for each helium tank car in excess of four, to be in the purchaser's service at any one time.

(3) $10,000 for one helium semitrailer; or $20,000 for more than one but fewer than five hellum semitrailers, and an additional $2,000 for each helium semi-trailer in excess of four, to be in the purchaser's service at any one time.

§ 1.9 Adjustment of accounts―(a) Delivery which fulfills contract. The delivery of a quantity of helium within plus or minus five percent of that contracted for shall constitute performance on the part of the Bureau, but payments for the helium shall be on the basis of the number of units delivered.

(b) Refunds to purchasers. As contracts of sale are performed by the Bureau by the delivery of helium, and as contracts for use of containers are performed by the purchaser by the return of containers and other equipment furnished by the Bureau, the Bureau may make refunds from time to time to the purchaser, from any credits to the purchaser's account in the special helium production fund, to the extent that the Bureau deems such credit or credits to be in excess of the amounts that may be required to secure the performance of any outstanding contract or contracts of that purchaser; and , in any event, upon full performance by both the Bureau and the purchaser of any contract of sale or contract for use of containers, the Bureau shall refund to the purchaser any balance left to the purchaser's credit on account of such contract: Provided, That the Bureau, at its option, may transfer any such credit or any debit remaining on account of any particular contract to the account of any uncompleted contract with the same purchaser.

§ 1.10 Shipping containers―(a) Containers may be provided by the purchaser or the Bureau. The applicant may provide containers, as indicated by the Application to Purchase Helium, or may request the Bureau to provide them, as indicated by the Application to Use Helium Containers. Containers provided by the applicant must be satisfactory to the Bureau in all respects, must be free internally from oil or water, and shall comply with the requirements for shipment in interstate commerce. The Bureau will not use or fill any container which in its opinion is unsafe or unsuitable.

(b) Provisions applicable to all types of containers supplied by the Bureau. (1) Agencies of the Federal Government requisitioning helium from the Bureau will have preference in the use of containers.

(2) The purchaser shall make every effort to prevent loss of or damage to containers supplied by the Bureau; shall not use such containers for any purpose other than transportation or storage of helium purchased from the Bureau; and

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