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MIL-C-44072C - Paragraph, delete in its entirety and substitute: “ Pouch construction. The tray-shaped body and the tray-shaped cover shall be formed by drawing the flexible laminate material into an appropriately shaped cavity. The flat cover shall be in the form of a flat sheet of the barrier material taken from roll stock. When specified, one unit of product shall be placed in the tray-shaped body of the pouch. The filled pouch body shall be hermetically sealed with a vacuum level of not less than 22 inches of mercury. Pouch closure shall be effected by heat sealing together the cover and body along the entire pouch perimeter. The closure seal width shall be a minimum of 1/8 inch. Pouch integrity and air tightness of the closure seals shall be tested in accordance with The closure seal shall have an average seal strength of not less than 6 pounds per inch of width and no individual specimen shall have a seal strength of less than 5 pounds per inch of width when tested as specified in 4.5.5. Alternatively, the filled and sealed pouch shall exhibit no rupture or seal separation greater than 1/16 inch or seal separation that reduces the effective closure seal width to less than 1/16 inch when tested for internal pressure resistance as specified in The maximum outside dimensions of the sealed pouch shall be 4 to 5-1/2 inches wide by 5-1/4 to 6 inches long. A tear notch or serrations shall be provided on one outside edge or two opposite outside edges of the pouch to facilitate easy opening of the filled and sealed pouch. The sealed pouch shall not show any evidence of material degradation, aluminum stress cracking, delamination or foreign odor. Heat seals shall be free of occluded matter. Seals shall be free of impression or design on the seal surface that would conceal or impair visual detection of seal defects.” -

Table I and associated footnotes, delete in its entirety and substitute new Table I and associated footnotes as follows:

TABLE I. Filled and sealed pouch defects 1/
Category Defect
Major Minor
101 Tear, hole, or open seal.
102 Seal width less than 1/16 inch. 2/
103 Presence of delamination. 3/

{{rh|AMSSB-RCF—F(N) (Richards/5037)||12 February 2003

SUBJECT: Follow-Up to ES03-038-S, (DSCP-SS-03-01620), Reply to Request for specification changes; MIL-C-44072C, Cookies, Oatmeal, and Brownies, Chocolate Covered